Replacing Missing Teeth

In general, the best way to replace missing teeth is with dental implants. Dental implants are replacements for the roots of your natural teeth. These root-shaped device allow your bone to fuse with their surface. The resulting bond allows strong tooth replacements (crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.) to be attached to the implant. You can have single or multiple teeth replaced in this way. 

The current generation of dental implants, those that fuse to bone, were first placed in the 1960s. These devices allow us to improve your aesthetics and function in ways not previously possible. 

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The implants we use have a special surface that encourages rapid and strong fusion of bone and implant. In most cases this allows us to replace missing teeth much more rapidly than previously possible. Can I get new teeth the same day that my implants are placed? Yes, in certain situations this approach works well. This approach works best when it replaces all your teeth.

To have successful implants you need adequate bone. In areas where you do not have adequate bone, advanced techniques usually allow us to re-grow needed bone either prior to or along with implant placement. In many cases, special x-rays will help us determine the amount of bone before therapy starts. 

The sequence of therapy normally goes as follows:

  • a planning stage

  • placement of the implant(s)

  • restoration of the implant(s) by your regular dentist

  • and maintenance.

The planning stage usually includes appropriate x-rays, clinical examinations, and consultations with a restorative dentist. 

Placing the implant in optimal position is usually enhanced by a specially fabricated surgical guide. This guide is fabricated before the placement stage either by our office or a restorative dentist and increases the chances of optimal placement of the implant thereby increasing the probability of an excellent esthetic and long-term outcomes. 

Restoration of your implants may occur the day of placement, a few weeks, or several months after placement. The timing of the restoration is determined by multiple factors which include the size and stability of the implant(s) at the time of placement, the number of implants placed, the position of the implants, and multiple other factors. The final restoration of your implant(s) will be performed by a restorative dentist.

Few implants fail. Those that fail usually do so because of infection, excess cement, or excess forces. Once your implant(s) is restored, periodic evaluation and cleaning of that implant and its restoration are important. To reduce the probability of infection effective daily oral hygiene is important. If you clench or grind your teeth at night we strongly suggest the fabrication and wearing of a protective device worn while sleeping to reduce the amount of pressure on your implants. The best of these devices are professionally made, are stable, and touch all your teeth.